Friday, August 11, 2017

Last Week

Last Week

Last week at  LexisNexis for my Summer-17 internship and a glorious run culminates.

The plan for this week was to present at the final intern presentation at Raleigh, make some final code changes, push code for a pull request and sign off.

Day 1:
  • Benchmarking tests checking to improve the performance of classification.
  • Zero down on the source which can be parallelized.
Day 2:
  • The HR team at LexisNexis Raleigh arranged for a session to practice and calibrate the talk before the final presentation.
  • Made few changes on the slides and updated my resume adding the work done at LN Raleigh. Here it is
Day 3:
  • Final presentation at LN Raleigh. The talk went well as it garnered some attention from folks in Raleigh. Here are the slides.
  • Meeting and Greeting other interns and seniors at LexisNexis Raleigh.

Day 4:
  • Final changes on parallelization based on the zero downs from Monday
  • Documentation for gradient boosting

Day 5:
  • Push code for commit based on some feedback from Dr Holt.
  • Final acknowledgments for everyone.

Thanks to John Holt, Lorraine Chapman and the HR team at Alpharetta and Raleigh for giving me the opportunity and infrastructure to learn and showcase my talent. Cheers!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi George, thanks for joining the team and working so well on your project. We have enjoyed having you around and hope you have enjoyed your HPCC Systems intern experience. Good luck with your studies and stay in touch!
